Round 1

The first Boulder Hack and Tell!

Thanks to all who came out to Round 1 (and especially to those who spoke)! We had four presenters (and incidentally 4 different programming languages).

Also, thanks to Viget for hosting us.

John Dennison

John showed off some snazzy graphs and R code that demonstrated Benford’s Law on real data. Note to possible future data fakers presenting at Hack and Tell: John will call you out if you don’t have enough 1’s in your data.

Patrick Reagan

Tired of all the language wars between python, ruby, etc? Go back to basics like Patrick did and write something in C. He’s working on a web server.

Ryan Cook

In the most mind warping presentation of the night, Ryan Cook is working on a submission for Ruby Trick 2013. He’s writing a ruby program, sig, that takes some ascii art and another program as input, and then will output the existing code restructured so the source looks like the ascii art, but it also prints itself out when run. (Hopefully I got that right).

Jonathan Beluch

Showed XBMC Addon Browser for exploring XBMC addons. Written with python/flask, source can be found at